Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Clean&Clear dual action moisturiser-good cheap cream

I evo ga jos jedan novi post! Clean&Clear krema za lice. Prvo kad sam je videla mislila sam da je neki gel za ciscenje lica, medjutim nije. Krema je jako dobra, dobro hidrira, pogotovo je dobra za akne barem meni. Ja je stavljam  uvece nakon ciscenja lica i svega toga :-) Ako trazite jeftinu a dobru kremu za mladju kozu necete se pokajati. Clean&Clear postoji u Lilly-u, ali ja nisam videla da imaju ovu kremu :-)

Cena: oko 6e 
Link: OVDE (nisam mogla da nadjem link od kreme izgleda da je trenutno rasprodata, ali ovo je najslicnije sto sam nasla)

Aaand here is a new post! Clean & Clear Face Cream. The first time I saw her I thought there was some cleansing gel, but she did not. The cream is very good, well hydrates, it is especially good for acne at least to me. I put it in the evening after cleansing my face and all that :-) If you are looking for cheap and good cream for a young skin You wont regret!! :-)

Price: 6$
Link (similar): HERE


Sunday, November 12, 2017

Loreal infallible 24H mat puder

Prvo, vratila sam se konacno i od sada cu da blogujem redovno! Sad zasto me nije bilo ne znam ni sama, uglavnom nebitno da ne duzim, za danas imam nesto za sta verovatno vec znate tako da necu puno da pisem, hocu samo da vam pokazem da se i meni svidja i koristim ga bas cesto. Ima veliku pokrivenost, mat je i meni nije tezak i da stoji ceo dan na licu. Dolazi u 6 razlicitih nijansi od kojih su prva tri najsvetlija rozi podton, a tamnija tri imaju zuti podton. Moj je u nijansi 24 golden beige sto je pretposlednja nijansa.
Prodaje se u Lilly-u i dm-u po ceni od 1349 din. OVDE

 First, I came back finally and  now i'll blog normally. For today i have something you probably already know so I will not write much. I just want to show you that I like to use it and I use it often.It has a lot of coverage, its matt and isnt heavy for me. It comes in 6 different shades, of which the first three are the brightest pink undertone and the darker three have a yellow undertone. My is in the shade 24 golden beige which is the last shade.

Price: 9$ HERE

Monday, July 17, 2017


Ii evoo mee konacnoooo! Ne znam ni sama koliko dugo nisam postovala i iskreno da vam kazem ne znam ni ja zasto, jednostavno meni dodje period kada stalno izbacujem postove i onda odjedno prestane, ali ajde da se vratimo na post! Ovako moram da vam kazem da nisam nista ocekivala od ove paete ali me je zaista pozitivno iznenadila. Drugi krug odnosno hajlajter obozavaaaam! Takodjee i donja dva kruga koja su za konture ja njih zajedno koristim odnosno mesam ih. Ovaj fix puder nesto nisam koristila jer mi je nekako uvek lakse da fix puder koristim kao zaseban proizvod. Sta da vam vise kazem osim da toplo preporucujem ovuu paletuu i da dolazi u dve nijanse "fair" i "dark" moja je u nijansi dark ali nema neke velike razlike
Aura face contour palette mozete naci u liliju i dm-u i kosta nekih 700-800 din ne secam se tacno! HERE

ps Ovih dana cu probati da vam izbacujem novi post svaki dan, ako to zelite napisite mi u komentarima takodje ako zelite da budem aktivnija ukoliko zelite potrudicu se da to ispunim! :-))

 I'm here finally! I do not know how long I did not put a new post and honestly tell you, I do not even know why, simply the time comes for me to constantly send out messages and then suddenly interrupt, but to return to the post! This is how I must tell you that I did not expect anything from this palette, but I was really surprised. I call the second circle or the highlighter! Also the lower two circles that I use for the contours and I combine them. I did not use this fick powder because it's always easier for me to fix powder as a special product. To tell you more than I highly recommend this pallet and come in two shades of "fair" and "dark", my is dark in the dark, but there is no big difference!

Wednesday, April 26, 2017


Caooo! Danas vam pokazujem fenomenalne Nyx lip lingerie mat tecne karmine za usta. Necu da nesto mnogo pisem i duzim (jer koliko mogu pricati o karminima :-) ) Dolaze u dosta boja i sve su nude sto ja oobozavam! Ja imam 3 nijanse: 03 lace detail, 06 push up i 11 baby doll. Na prvi pogled izgledaju isto, ali uopste nisu. Uglavnom, vidite sve na slikama. Savrsene nijanse, lepo pakovanje, mat, pigmentovani, dugotrajni (kada se matiraju sto treba 5 sek jedva ih skinete), sto se mene tice sve sto jedan karmin treba da ima + pristupacna cena i  ima ih u ALEXANDAR Cosmetics SAVRSENO! Omiljena nijansa mi je mozda 03 lace detail, mada ne znam sve su divne. I da 06 se zove push up zato sto mozda malo vizuelno povecava usta odnosno ta boja, dakle nema onaj efekat peckanja da bi se kao povecale usne posto znam da imaju i takvi karmini, ali ovaj nije takav samo boja vizuelno povecava! :-)
Lip lingerie 03 lace detail: OVDE
Lip lingerie 06 push up:OVDE
Lip lingerie 11 baby doll:OVDE

My new instagram profile: HERE

p.s. Ispod ovog posta mi mozete pisati ukoliko imate neki problem, ako vam treba neki savet da vam dam ili tako nesto pisite mi ispod potrudicu se da vam pomognem!! :-)

Hellooo!Today we have a fabulous Nyx lip lingerie matte, liquid lipstick . I do not want something many letters and longer (because I do not talk about lipsticks) They come in many colors and they all nude what I adore! I have 3 shades: 03 lace detail, 06 push ups and 11 baby doll. At first glance look the same, or not at all. Basically, you see all the pictures. Perfect shade, nice packaging, mat, pigmented, long-lasting (when checkmate you need 5 seconds barely remove them), as for me everything that one should have lipstick + affordable price and have them in Alexandar Cosmetics: Perfect! My favorite shade is maybe 03 lace detail, but I do not know all wonderful. And that 06 is called push up because maybe some visually increases the mouth or that color, so that no pricking effect to such increased lips because I know they have these lipsticks, but this is not such a color visually increases!









                                                                  06 PUSH-UP

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Victoria's Secret AMBER ROMANCE

Caooo! Victoria's Secret mistovi su dosli u dm!! Dosli su jos sigurno pre 10 dana, ali ja sam tek danas stigla da vam izbacim post. Za sada u ponudi imaju amber romance (taj sam ja i kupila), secret charm i total attraction. Uzela sam jedan zato sto jos nemaju sirok izbor, ali nadam se da ce uskoro doci jos novih. Amber romance veoma lepo mirise (ne znam da opisujem mirise :-D, ali sta sad svako ce da izabere po svom ukusu..). Brzo se prodaju, trk po svoj mist! ;)
Cena je ja mislim oko 1400 din.
p.s. Izvinjavam se na lošem kvalitetu slika, posto se tokom prebacivanja smanjio kvalitet i ovo je bio jedini nacin da izbacim ovakve slike :)

Heyy guys! Victoria's Secret Mist came in dm !! They came 10 days ago, but I only now got to throw you post. For now offered with amber romance (that's what I bought), total secret charm and attraction. I took one because they do not have a wide choice, but I hope it will come soon, still new. Amber romance smells very nice (I do not know to describe smells :-D but now what everyone's going to choose to your liking ..). Are selling fast, race after his mist! ;)

P.S. I think the price is about 12e

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Maybelline lash sensational (new) mascara+colossal volum

Caoo svima!! Za danasnji post imam da vam pokazem dve maybelline maskare. Crna maskara je poprilicno nova maskara, veoma je slicna kao ljubicasta lash sensational maskara. Ja inace ne volim cetkice kao sto su kod ove maskare, ali je ustvari veoma dobra, s obzirom da je na kraju uska pa lako dolazi do trepavica u uglu oku, mada iskreno i nisam nesto odusevljena s njom. Najveci problem sa njom je sto stvara grudvice na trepavicama (tesko se stavlja morate biti veoma pazljivi, a ja nisam neko ko ce pola sata stavljati maskaru) i porpilicno je mokra, ali napravi trepavice poprilicno dugackim. Skoro nikad je nisam koristila samu zato sto ne napravi trepavice gustim, samo im da duzinu.
Moram da kazem da ima devojaka koje vole ovakve maskare, naravno to je samo moje misljenje s obzirom da ja volim guste i dugacke trepavice, a to ova maskara ne radi bas najbolje, ali za devojke koje vole da im trepavice izgledaju prirodno mislim da ce biti dobra. :-)

Sa druge strane imamo jednu super maskaru! U pitanju je maybelline colossal volum expres maskara, koja mi se veoma dopada, ali necu puno da pricam o njoj zato sto je to stara maskara i verovatno ste svi culi za nju. Samo cu da kazem da meni trepavice izgledaju super sa njom, stvarno daje veliki volumen! Smatram da je mnogo bolja nego ova nova maskara. Da ne duzim vise, ovu zutu vam toplo preporucujem!! xoxo
Mascara I HERE
Mascara II  HERE
My facebook page: HERE
Hello everyone!!  For today's post I have to show you two Maybelline mascara. Black mascara mascara is quite new, it is very similar to that sensational purple lash mascara. I normally do not like, such as brushes with this mascara, but it is actually very good, considering that at the end of a narrow but easy to come up in the corner of the eye lashes, but honestly I'm not thrilled with it something. The biggest problem with it is that creates clumps on lashes (hard sheets need to be very careful, and I'm not someone who will be a half-hour wear mascara) and porpilicno is wet, or make eyelashes pretty long. Almost never is never used alone because they can not make eyelashes thick, just them to length.I must say that there are girls who love this mascara, of course that's just my opinion since I love the thick and long eyelashes, mascara and it's not working very well, but for girls who love to have their lashes look natural, I think it will be good. :-)
On the other hand, we have a super mascara! It's Maybelline colossal volum express mascara, which I really like, but I will not talk much about it because it's an old mascara and you've probably all heard about it. I'm just going to say that it considers lashes look great with her, really gives large volume! I think that is much better than this new mascara, 
I recommend this yellow! xoxo

Friday, January 13, 2017

YaEmina – CLOSEЯ

Zdravo svima! Danas sam htela da vam pokazem dva Eminina parfema. Parfem levo je novi parfem koji je izasao prosle godine, dok je parfem desno njen stari parfem iz 2014. ali ima ga i dalje u prodaji (mozda u malo drugacijoj ambalazi nisam sigurna, samo znam da je miris isti). Ja sam odusevljena ovim parfemima pogotovo ovim novim "Swan city". Dolazi u veoma lepoj ljubicastoj bocici sa krilima, ima 100ml sto je odlicno (cena je veoma pristupacna). Ne znam sta bih vam jos rekla, s obzirom da ja ne znam da opisujem mirisne note, jednostavno zelim na blogu da vam pokazem proizvode koji mi se dopadaju i da kazem nesto najbitnije, a ne sad da vas davim sa sastavom parfema itd. Sve u svemu ja sam prezadovoljna ovim parfemom svaka cast Emini! Ukoliko zelite veoma dobar parfem za pristupacnu cenu, definitivno ga preporucujem i definitivno mi je jedan od omiljenih parfema!! :-)

p.s. parfem se prodaje u svim Lilly objektima.

Hello everyone! Today I want to show you two Emina perfume. Perfume left a new fragrance that was released last year, while the right perfume her old perfume from 2014 but it has still selling (perhaps in a slightly different wrapping'm not sure, I just know that the smell of the same). I am thrilled by this perfume especially this new "Swan city." Comes in a very beautiful purple bottle with wings, there 100ml which is great (the price is very affordable). I do not know what you'd say more, because I do not know to describe scent, just want the blog to show you the products that we like and to say something essential, not sad to bore you with the composition of perfumes... If you want a very good perfume for an affordable price, I definitely recommend it and definitely is one of my favorite perfume !! :-)
Closer swan city HERE 

Monday, January 9, 2017

Catrice liquid camouflage concealer

Za pocetak zelim da vam cestitam Novu godinu i Bozic! Zelim vam sve najlepse da pre svega budete zdravi i srecni!! Puno ljubavi i svega ostalog! Radite stvari koje vas cine srecnim i budite pozitivni i ne nervirajte se oko gluposti, jer na kraju sve dodje na svoje. Nemojte trositi vreme na osobe koje to ne zasluzuju, vec se fokusirajte na osobe koje vas vole! Da ne duzim vise hajde da se vratimo na danasnji post. <3

Otkrila sam novi korektor, u pitanju je Catrice liquid camouflage korektor. Nasla sam ga u Dm-u Uscu. Iskreno, prvi put cujem za ovaj brend, ali mislim da cu jos stvari probati od njih. Dugo sam trazila dobar korektor, koji daje i pokrivenost, koji ima dobru teksturu i dobru boju i da se lepo hajlajtuje sa njim, verujte mi ovaj korektor ima sve to! (plus meni lepo mirise kao na vlazne maramice :-) ) Ja ga stavljam na predeo ispod ociju i blendam ga sa beauty blenderom (koji imate u Sephori). Mislim da sam vam sve rekla sto je trebalo, dakle imate ga u Dm-u u Srbiji (ne znam u kojim drugim zemljama ima, jer nikada nisam obracala paznju na ovaj brend, ali predpostavljam da ima u vecini drzava u Evropi) i cena je oko 500 din.

I da moj je u nijansi 20 Light Beige, a videla sam da ima i 10 porcellain, razlika izmedju moje nijanse i 10 je u tome sto moja ima zuti podton, a 10 je rozi podton i svetlija je nijansa :-)
btw mozda zbog svetla ova nijansa izgleda tamno ali u stvarnosti je svetlija!!

 For starters I want to congratulate the New Year and Christmas! I wish you all the Best to first of all be healthy and happy !! Much love and everything else! Do things that make you happy and be positive and not annoy the crap around, because in the end everything comes into its own. Do not waste time on people who do not deserve, but focus on the people who love you! Now, let's get back to today's post. <3

I discovered a new concealer, it's Catrice liquid camouflage concealer. I found it in Dm-in Uscu. Honestly, the first time I hear of this brand, but I think I will still try things out. I have long asked for a good concealer that provides coverage, that has good texture and good color and nice to hajlajtuje with him, believe me, this concealer has it all! (Plus a nice menu odors such as wet wipes :-)) I put the region under the eyes and Blend it with beauty blender (you have in Sephora). I think I've said all that it was supposed to, so you have it in Dm in Serbia (do not know which other countries have, because I never paid any attention to the brand, but I guess it has in most countries in Europe) and the price 4e.
 I was in my shade 20 Light Beige, and I saw that there are 10 porcellain, the difference between my shades and 10 is that the mine has a yellow undertone, a 10 pink undertone and brighter hue :-)

My facebook page HERE