Caooo! Danas vam pokazujem fenomenalne Nyx lip lingerie mat tecne karmine za usta. Necu da nesto mnogo pisem i duzim (jer koliko mogu pricati o karminima :-) ) Dolaze u dosta boja i sve su nude sto ja oobozavam! Ja imam 3 nijanse: 03 lace detail, 06 push up i 11 baby doll. Na prvi pogled izgledaju isto, ali uopste nisu. Uglavnom, vidite sve na slikama. Savrsene nijanse, lepo pakovanje, mat, pigmentovani, dugotrajni (kada se matiraju sto treba 5 sek jedva ih skinete), sto se mene tice sve sto jedan karmin treba da ima + pristupacna cena i ima ih u ALEXANDAR Cosmetics SAVRSENO! Omiljena nijansa mi je mozda 03 lace detail, mada ne znam sve su divne. I da 06 se zove push up zato sto mozda malo vizuelno povecava usta odnosno ta boja, dakle nema onaj efekat peckanja da bi se kao povecale usne posto znam da imaju i takvi karmini, ali ovaj nije takav samo boja vizuelno povecava! :-)
Lip lingerie 03 lace detail: OVDE
Lip lingerie 06 push up:OVDE
Lip lingerie 11 baby doll:OVDE
My new instagram profile: HERE
p.s. Ispod ovog posta mi mozete pisati ukoliko imate neki problem, ako vam treba neki savet da vam dam ili tako nesto pisite mi ispod potrudicu se da vam pomognem!! :-)
Hellooo!Today we have a fabulous Nyx lip lingerie matte, liquid lipstick . I do not want something many letters and longer (because I do not talk about lipsticks) They come in many colors and they all nude what I adore! I have 3 shades: 03 lace detail, 06 push ups and 11 baby doll. At first glance look the same, or not at all. Basically, you see all the pictures. Perfect shade, nice packaging, mat, pigmented, long-lasting (when checkmate you need 5 seconds barely remove them), as for me everything that one should have lipstick + affordable price and have them in Alexandar Cosmetics: Perfect! My favorite shade is maybe 03 lace detail, but I do not know all wonderful. And that 06 is called push up because maybe some visually increases the mouth or that color, so that no pricking effect to such increased lips because I know they have these lipsticks, but this is not such a color visually increases!
Lip lingerie 03 lace detail: OVDE
Lip lingerie 06 push up:OVDE
Lip lingerie 11 baby doll:OVDE
My new instagram profile: HERE
p.s. Ispod ovog posta mi mozete pisati ukoliko imate neki problem, ako vam treba neki savet da vam dam ili tako nesto pisite mi ispod potrudicu se da vam pomognem!! :-)
Hellooo!Today we have a fabulous Nyx lip lingerie matte, liquid lipstick . I do not want something many letters and longer (because I do not talk about lipsticks) They come in many colors and they all nude what I adore! I have 3 shades: 03 lace detail, 06 push ups and 11 baby doll. At first glance look the same, or not at all. Basically, you see all the pictures. Perfect shade, nice packaging, mat, pigmented, long-lasting (when checkmate you need 5 seconds barely remove them), as for me everything that one should have lipstick + affordable price and have them in Alexandar Cosmetics: Perfect! My favorite shade is maybe 03 lace detail, but I do not know all wonderful. And that 06 is called push up because maybe some visually increases the mouth or that color, so that no pricking effect to such increased lips because I know they have these lipsticks, but this is not such a color visually increases!
jaooo divnii suu!!😍
ReplyDeleteImam jedan u broju 07 i odusevljenaa sam
ReplyDeletevidela sam i 7 i ona mi je superr :-)
DeleteJa posedujem nijansu Push Up koja mi i najbolje stoji od svih isprobanih, ali očekivala sam nešto bolji kvalitet za njihovu cenu.