Za pocetak zelim da vam cestitam Novu godinu i Bozic! Zelim vam sve najlepse da pre svega budete zdravi i srecni!! Puno ljubavi i svega ostalog! Radite stvari koje vas cine srecnim i budite pozitivni i ne nervirajte se oko gluposti, jer na kraju sve dodje na svoje. Nemojte trositi vreme na osobe koje to ne zasluzuju, vec se fokusirajte na osobe koje vas vole! Da ne duzim vise hajde da se vratimo na danasnji post. <3
Otkrila sam novi korektor, u pitanju je Catrice liquid camouflage korektor. Nasla sam ga u Dm-u Uscu. Iskreno, prvi put cujem za ovaj brend, ali mislim da cu jos stvari probati od njih. Dugo sam trazila dobar korektor, koji daje i pokrivenost, koji ima dobru teksturu i dobru boju i da se lepo hajlajtuje sa njim, verujte mi ovaj korektor ima sve to! (plus meni lepo mirise kao na vlazne maramice :-) ) Ja ga stavljam na predeo ispod ociju i blendam ga sa beauty blenderom (koji imate u Sephori). Mislim da sam vam sve rekla sto je trebalo, dakle imate ga u Dm-u u Srbiji (ne znam u kojim drugim zemljama ima, jer nikada nisam obracala paznju na ovaj brend, ali predpostavljam da ima u vecini drzava u Evropi) i cena je oko 500 din.
I da moj je u nijansi 20 Light Beige, a videla sam da ima i 10 porcellain, razlika izmedju moje nijanse i 10 je u tome sto moja ima zuti podton, a 10 je rozi podton i svetlija je nijansa :-)
btw mozda zbog svetla ova nijansa izgleda tamno ali u stvarnosti je svetlija!!
For starters I want to congratulate the New Year and Christmas! I wish you all the Best to first of all be healthy and happy !! Much love and everything else! Do things that make you happy and be positive and not annoy the crap around, because in the end everything comes into its own. Do not waste time on people who do not deserve, but focus on the people who love you! Now, let's get back to today's post. <3
I discovered a new concealer, it's Catrice liquid camouflage concealer. I found it in Dm-in Uscu. Honestly, the first time I hear of this brand, but I think I will still try things out. I have long asked for a good concealer that provides coverage, that has good texture and good color and nice to hajlajtuje with him, believe me, this concealer has it all! (Plus a nice menu odors such as wet wipes :-)) I put the region under the eyes and Blend it with beauty blender (you have in Sephora). I think I've said all that it was supposed to, so you have it in Dm in Serbia (do not know which other countries have, because I never paid any attention to the brand, but I guess it has in most countries in Europe) and the price 4e.
I was in my shade 20 Light Beige, and I saw that there are 10 porcellain, the difference between my shades and 10 is that the mine has a yellow undertone, a 10 pink undertone and brighter hue :-)
My facebook page HERE
Otkrila sam novi korektor, u pitanju je Catrice liquid camouflage korektor. Nasla sam ga u Dm-u Uscu. Iskreno, prvi put cujem za ovaj brend, ali mislim da cu jos stvari probati od njih. Dugo sam trazila dobar korektor, koji daje i pokrivenost, koji ima dobru teksturu i dobru boju i da se lepo hajlajtuje sa njim, verujte mi ovaj korektor ima sve to! (plus meni lepo mirise kao na vlazne maramice :-) ) Ja ga stavljam na predeo ispod ociju i blendam ga sa beauty blenderom (koji imate u Sephori). Mislim da sam vam sve rekla sto je trebalo, dakle imate ga u Dm-u u Srbiji (ne znam u kojim drugim zemljama ima, jer nikada nisam obracala paznju na ovaj brend, ali predpostavljam da ima u vecini drzava u Evropi) i cena je oko 500 din.
I da moj je u nijansi 20 Light Beige, a videla sam da ima i 10 porcellain, razlika izmedju moje nijanse i 10 je u tome sto moja ima zuti podton, a 10 je rozi podton i svetlija je nijansa :-)
btw mozda zbog svetla ova nijansa izgleda tamno ali u stvarnosti je svetlija!!
For starters I want to congratulate the New Year and Christmas! I wish you all the Best to first of all be healthy and happy !! Much love and everything else! Do things that make you happy and be positive and not annoy the crap around, because in the end everything comes into its own. Do not waste time on people who do not deserve, but focus on the people who love you! Now, let's get back to today's post. <3
I discovered a new concealer, it's Catrice liquid camouflage concealer. I found it in Dm-in Uscu. Honestly, the first time I hear of this brand, but I think I will still try things out. I have long asked for a good concealer that provides coverage, that has good texture and good color and nice to hajlajtuje with him, believe me, this concealer has it all! (Plus a nice menu odors such as wet wipes :-)) I put the region under the eyes and Blend it with beauty blender (you have in Sephora). I think I've said all that it was supposed to, so you have it in Dm in Serbia (do not know which other countries have, because I never paid any attention to the brand, but I guess it has in most countries in Europe) and the price 4e.
I was in my shade 20 Light Beige, and I saw that there are 10 porcellain, the difference between my shades and 10 is that the mine has a yellow undertone, a 10 pink undertone and brighter hue :-)
My facebook page HERE
Probala sam ovaj korektor i isto mi se bas svidja! Inace pratim tvoj blog od pocetka i sve si bolja i bolja jos samo da cesce ubacujes postove i bice odlicnoo! <3
ReplyDeletep.s. Srecni i tebi praznici! <3 <3
Hvala ti puno, potrudicu se da postove izbacujem sto cesce! I potrudicu se da cu u ovoj godini budem mnogo aktivnija nego u predhodnoj <3
DeleteSuper sii :* Definitivno cu morati da te poslusam za ovaj korektor posto sam bila veoma zadovoljna onim konjiskim samponom. pozz <3
ReplyDeleteBas mi je drago sto ti se sampon dopao,nadam se da ce ti i korektor biti super, veliki pozdravvv!! :*