Zdravo svima! Danas sam htela da vam pokazem dva Eminina parfema. Parfem levo je novi parfem koji je izasao prosle godine, dok je parfem desno njen stari parfem iz 2014. ali ima ga i dalje u prodaji (mozda u malo drugacijoj ambalazi nisam sigurna, samo znam da je miris isti). Ja sam odusevljena ovim parfemima pogotovo ovim novim "Swan city". Dolazi u veoma lepoj ljubicastoj bocici sa krilima, ima 100ml sto je odlicno (cena je veoma pristupacna). Ne znam sta bih vam jos rekla, s obzirom da ja ne znam da opisujem mirisne note, jednostavno zelim na blogu da vam pokazem proizvode koji mi se dopadaju i da kazem nesto najbitnije, a ne sad da vas davim sa sastavom parfema itd. Sve u svemu ja sam prezadovoljna ovim parfemom svaka cast Emini! Ukoliko zelite veoma dobar parfem za pristupacnu cenu, definitivno ga preporucujem i definitivno mi je jedan od omiljenih parfema!! :-)
p.s. parfem se prodaje u svim Lilly objektima.
Hello everyone! Today I want to show you two Emina perfume. Perfume left a new fragrance that was released last year, while the right perfume her old perfume from 2014 but it has still selling (perhaps in a slightly different wrapping'm not sure, I just know that the smell of the same). I am thrilled by this perfume especially this new "Swan city." Comes in a very beautiful purple bottle with wings, there 100ml which is great (the price is very affordable). I do not know what you'd say more, because I do not know to describe scent, just want the blog to show you the products that we like and to say something essential, not sad to bore you with the composition of perfumes... If you want a very good perfume for an affordable price, I definitely recommend it and definitely is one of my favorite perfume !! :-)
Closer swan city HERE
p.s. parfem se prodaje u svim Lilly objektima.
Hello everyone! Today I want to show you two Emina perfume. Perfume left a new fragrance that was released last year, while the right perfume her old perfume from 2014 but it has still selling (perhaps in a slightly different wrapping'm not sure, I just know that the smell of the same). I am thrilled by this perfume especially this new "Swan city." Comes in a very beautiful purple bottle with wings, there 100ml which is great (the price is very affordable). I do not know what you'd say more, because I do not know to describe scent, just want the blog to show you the products that we like and to say something essential, not sad to bore you with the composition of perfumes... If you want a very good perfume for an affordable price, I definitely recommend it and definitely is one of my favorite perfume !! :-)
Closer swan city HERE
Tvoj blog mi se dopada bas zbog toga sto ne pises neke "profesionalne" (glupe i dosadne) stvari vec kazes svoje misljenje o njima i sve sto je potrebno, mislim da nikog ne zanima detaljan opis bilo kog proizvoda (parfema, senke, karmina) barem ja to nikad ne citam :-) Ovakve postove najvise volim!
ReplyDeletep.s. slike su ti sve bolje, a parfemom sam odusevljena cak i preko slikee!! <3 <3
Hvala ti punoo! Ovakvi komentari mi puno znace, jednostavno mi poprave raspolozenje i teraju me da se jos vise trudim! I drago mi je sto ti se dopadaju moji postovi iako ne zelim da pisem neki detaljni review! :-)
DeleteAa parfemi su prelepi, zelim da ih probamm (nadam se da cu uskoroo)!! :*
ReplyDeleteNadam se i ja! Javi utiske :-)
DeleteSuper post!
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ReplyDeleteKada sam videla ovaj parfem kod tebe morala sam da ga kupim (ovaj noviji)parfem i stvarno mi se dopadaa, hvalaa ti, ekstraa je!