Thursday, August 25, 2016

Drugstore gels

I pre svega da se izvinim sto me nije bilo par dana, jednostavno znate one dane kada vam nista ne ide? Prvo mi se torba unistila s obzirom da sam je nosila preko koznih jakni i isprljala se, i ne moze da se obrise :-( ! zatim mi je crkao punjac od laptopa pa nisam mogla da izbacim post i na sve to jos sam razbila telefon! Ali dobroo, da se vratimo na ovaj post. Ova dva gela sam pocela da koristim pre mozda mesec dana,i to sasim slucajno. Bio mi je nestao Lancome gel koji sam dosta dugo koristila, a u Sephori ga nije bilo, tako da sam morala da trazim nesto drugo i pronasla sam ovo! Da skratim mislim da vec previsee duzim :-D Ovaj balea gel sam koristila prvi dan da ocisti lice, zatim drugi dan isto samo sto sam radila piling i treci dan ga stavim na lice kao masku i sacekam 10 min. Onda cetvrti dan stavim Clean&Clear gel na lice i normalno ga isperem kao i peti dan, i onda stavljam ponovo balea gel 3 dana pa Clean&Clear 2 dana i sve tako naravno uz kremu i tonik, zato sto ja masku stavljam odprilike na svakih sest dana. Inace ja imam normalnu kozu sa malo masnijom t zonom, tako da ne znam da li ce ovo odgovarati nekome ko ima suvu ili masnu kozu!! Stvarno sam jako zadovoljna i odlicna su zamena za Lancome gel, a pritom su dosta jeftiniji i pristupacniji.  Nadam se da ste me shvatili, znam da vam je ovaj post malo nejasan, ali ne znam kako drugacije da objasnim :-D
p.s. Balea gel imate u dm-u, a Clean&Clear u Liliju!
Clean&Clear OVDE

 I first of all apologize for me it was a couple of days, just know those days when you do not do not go? First, we destroyed the bag since I was worn over leather jackets and unsnapped be, and can not be deleted :-(! Then I would die battery of the laptop so I could not get it out and post it all I'm still broke your phone! But dobroo to come back to this post. the two gel I started to use pre perhaps a month, and it summarizes the accident. he was gone Lancome gel which I used for a long time, and Sephora was not there, so I had to Looking for something else, and I have found it! In short, I think that more previsee longer :-D This balea gel I used the first day to cleanse your face, then another day just as I've done peeling and the third day I put it on your face as a mask and wait 10 min. then the fourth day put the Clean & Clear gel on the face and normal to wash and fifth day, and then put back balea gel 3 days, and Clean & Clear 2 days and everything so of course with cream and tonic, because I mask put approximately every six days . Otherwise I have normal skin with a little oily t zone, so do not know if this will suit someone who has dry or oily skin !! I'm really very happy and great as a substitute for Lancome gel, while a less expensive and more accessible. I hope you understand me, you know that this post is a bit unclear, but I do not know how else to explain it :-DP.S. Balea gel at the dm-in, and Clean & Clear in Lilly!

Monday, August 22, 2016


Cao svima! Za danas imamo moju trenutno omiljenu masku za kosu aussie 3 minute miracle. Aussie nema da se kupi u Srbija, ja sam ga nasla u Nemackoj, ali ima i u Hrvatskoj. Koristim ga vec mesec dana i ja sam odusevljena, zaista mislim da je to najbolja maska za kosu na jeftinijoj strani.Ima dva nacina kako mozete da ga koristite. Prvi nacin je da ga stavite 10-15 min. pre pranja, mada kazu da je dovoljno 3 minuta, ja bih ga uglavnom drzala 15 min. kad nemam vremena da prenocim sa njom. Drugi nacin je onaj na kojim sam ga ja koristila, a to je da namazem na kosu i prenocim i ujutru isperem. Meni je efekat odlican, preporucujem ga svima, jer zaista cini cuda sa kosom!
Btw u ovom postu sam odlucila da vam pokazem i moju omiljenu cetku za kosu, u pitanju je macadamia "no tangle" cetka. Ova cetka uopste ne cupa kosu, sto je meni potrebno, s obzirom da se moja kosa posle pranja bas umrsi (iako imam ravnu kosu), a i kosa se najvise kida kada je mokra, a ova cetka to sprecava. Ima jako mekane i savitljive zubce, i sa njom sam takodje odusevljena :-D Imate da je nadjete u Alexandar cosmetics-u, a mozete i da je porucite online!

Hi everyone! For today we have now my favorite hair mask Aussie 3 minute miracle. Aussie does not have to be bought in Serbia, I found him in Germany, but there are in Croatia. I use it for a month and I'm thrilled, I really think it's the best hair mask at cheaper strani.Ima two ways how you can use it. The first way is to put it 10-15 min. before washing, although they say that enough 3 minutes, I'd largely kept 15 min. when you do not have time to spend the night with her. The second way is the one on which I have used, and that is to spread on hair and spend the night and in the morning wash. The menu is excellent effect, I recommend it to everyone, because I really do wonders to your hair! Btw in this post I decided to show you my favorite brush and dryer, it is a macadamia "no tangle" brush. This brush is not at all tearing their hair out as it considers necessary, given that my hair after washing umrsi bass (although I have straight hair) and the hair is the most nerve when wet, and this brush to prevent. There are very soft and flexible tines, and with it I'm also thrilled :-D Do you have to find the Alexandar cosmetics-in, and you can order it and it is online!

Aussie 3 minute miracle OVDE
Macadamia no tange OVDE

Sunday, August 21, 2016

my favorite shampoo

Danas sam htela da podelim sa vama moj trenutno omiljeni sampon za kosu, u pitanju je konjski sampon. Neki ljudi ne vole ovakve sampone, ali meni se ovaj bas dopada. Dugo sam trazila sampon za brzi rast kose, s obzirom da sam neko ko voli dugi kosu :-) i konacno sam nasla sampon od koga mi stvarno kosa raste mnogo brze, ja generalno nemam neki problem sa kosom, ali svaka devojka voli da neguje kosu :-)
Postoji pet vrsta ovog šampona:
- Žuti: Šampon i regenerator protiv peruti i seboreje za rast kose

- Svetlozeleni: Šampon i regenerator sa kolagenom i lanolinom za čestu upotrebu, podsticaj rasta kose

- Zeleni: Šampon i regenerator sa propolisom, kolagenom i smolom breze

- Plavi: Šampon i regenerator za rast kose eterična ulja nara i nane sa antistatičkim efektom

- Roze: Šampon i regenerator za suvu i oštećenu farbanu kosu sa keratinom i smolom breze

Moj je svetlozeleni, generalno mislim da je najvaznije da potrefite tip sampona koji vama odgovara. Ponekad ga zamenim sa drugim samponom (o kome cete cuti u nekom drugom postu) zato sto se moja kosa "zasiti" proizvodima, nadam se da ce vam se dopasti kao i meni :-)
p.s. konjski sampon imate da kupite u Liliju i cena mu je oko 1500 din.

Today I want to share with you my current favorite shampoo for hair, it is a horse shampoo. Some people do not like this shampoo, but I really like this. I have long asked for a quick shampoo for hair growth, given that I'm someone who likes long hair :-) and finally I found the shampoo from whom we really hair grows much faster, I generally do not have a problem with hair, but every girl likes to nourish hair :-)
There are five types of shampoo:- Yellow: shampoo and conditioner for dandruff and seborrhea of ​​hair growth
- The light: shampoo and conditioner with collagen and lanolin for frequent use, stimulating hair growth
- Green: shampoo and conditioner with propolis, collagen and resin birch
- Blue: Shampoo and conditioner for hair growth essential oils of mint and pomegranate with antistatic effect
- Flowers: Shampoo and Conditioner for dry and damaged color-treated hair with keratin resin and birch

My bright green, in general I think it is most important to score the right type of shampoo that suits you. Sometimes replace it with another shampoo (about whom you will hear about in another post) because my hair is "saturated" products, I hope that you like it like me :-)

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Essie fiji (14)

Cao svima! Za danas sam zelela da vam pokazem jedan od mojih omiljenih lakova. Inace Essie lakovi su meni omiljeni, a ovo je jedna od meni prelepih boja. Njihova tekstura je retka, i prelako se maze. Boje su veoma jake (nisu vodenaste i providne). Ja sam jedna od onih koja nema strpljenja da lakira nokte, ali verujte mi ovaj lak se lako maze i treba mu malo vremena da se osusi, sto je odlicno jer ja obicno zeznem neki nokat! :-)
P.S. Ja se izvinjavam sto vam nisam slikala kako izgleda na mojim noktima, ali jednostavno nisam stigla s obzirom da danas jurim na sve strane, dosla sam kuci kad je vec bio mrak i jednostavno slika nije mogla dobro da ispadne (nadam se da ce ova slika da posluzi) :-)

Hello everyone!For today I wanted to show you one of my favorite polishes. Otherwise Essie varnishes are my favorite, and this is one of my beautiful colors. Their texture is rare, and too easy to be stroked. The colors are very strong (not watery and translucent). I am one of those who does not have the patience to paint their nails, but believe me, this polish is easy to cuddle and he needs some time to dry, which is great because I usually screw up a nail!

 Essie fiji 14