I pre svega da se izvinim sto me nije bilo par dana, jednostavno znate one dane kada vam nista ne ide? Prvo mi se torba unistila s obzirom da sam je nosila preko koznih jakni i isprljala se, i ne moze da se obrise :-( ! zatim mi je crkao punjac od laptopa pa nisam mogla da izbacim post i na sve to jos sam razbila telefon! Ali dobroo, da se vratimo na ovaj post. Ova dva gela sam pocela da koristim pre mozda mesec dana,i to sasim slucajno. Bio mi je nestao Lancome gel koji sam dosta dugo koristila, a u Sephori ga nije bilo, tako da sam morala da trazim nesto drugo i pronasla sam ovo! Da skratim mislim da vec previsee duzim :-D Ovaj balea gel sam koristila prvi dan da ocisti lice, zatim drugi dan isto samo sto sam radila piling i treci dan ga stavim na lice kao masku i sacekam 10 min. Onda cetvrti dan stavim Clean&Clear gel na lice i normalno ga isperem kao i peti dan, i onda stavljam ponovo balea gel 3 dana pa Clean&Clear 2 dana i sve tako naravno uz kremu i tonik, zato sto ja masku stavljam odprilike na svakih sest dana. Inace ja imam normalnu kozu sa malo masnijom t zonom, tako da ne znam da li ce ovo odgovarati nekome ko ima suvu ili masnu kozu!! Stvarno sam jako zadovoljna i odlicna su zamena za Lancome gel, a pritom su dosta jeftiniji i pristupacniji. Nadam se da ste me shvatili, znam da vam je ovaj post malo nejasan, ali ne znam kako drugacije da objasnim :-D
p.s. Balea gel imate u dm-u, a Clean&Clear u Liliju!
Clean&Clear OVDE
I first of all apologize for me it was a couple of days, just know those days when you do not do not go? First, we destroyed the bag since I was worn over leather jackets and unsnapped be, and can not be deleted :-(! Then I would die battery of the laptop so I could not get it out and post it all I'm still broke your phone! But dobroo to come back to this post. the two gel I started to use pre perhaps a month, and it summarizes the accident. he was gone Lancome gel which I used for a long time, and Sephora was not there, so I had to Looking for something else, and I have found it! In short, I think that more previsee longer :-D This balea gel I used the first day to cleanse your face, then another day just as I've done peeling and the third day I put it on your face as a mask and wait 10 min. then the fourth day put the Clean & Clear gel on the face and normal to wash and fifth day, and then put back balea gel 3 days, and Clean & Clear 2 days and everything so of course with cream and tonic, because I mask put approximately every six days . Otherwise I have normal skin with a little oily t zone, so do not know if this will suit someone who has dry or oily skin !! I'm really very happy and great as a substitute for Lancome gel, while a less expensive and more accessible. I hope you understand me, you know that this post is a bit unclear, but I do not know how else to explain it :-DP.S. Balea gel at the dm-in, and Clean & Clear in Lilly!
p.s. Balea gel imate u dm-u, a Clean&Clear u Liliju!
Clean&Clear OVDE
I first of all apologize for me it was a couple of days, just know those days when you do not do not go? First, we destroyed the bag since I was worn over leather jackets and unsnapped be, and can not be deleted :-(! Then I would die battery of the laptop so I could not get it out and post it all I'm still broke your phone! But dobroo to come back to this post. the two gel I started to use pre perhaps a month, and it summarizes the accident. he was gone Lancome gel which I used for a long time, and Sephora was not there, so I had to Looking for something else, and I have found it! In short, I think that more previsee longer :-D This balea gel I used the first day to cleanse your face, then another day just as I've done peeling and the third day I put it on your face as a mask and wait 10 min. then the fourth day put the Clean & Clear gel on the face and normal to wash and fifth day, and then put back balea gel 3 days, and Clean & Clear 2 days and everything so of course with cream and tonic, because I mask put approximately every six days . Otherwise I have normal skin with a little oily t zone, so do not know if this will suit someone who has dry or oily skin !! I'm really very happy and great as a substitute for Lancome gel, while a less expensive and more accessible. I hope you understand me, you know that this post is a bit unclear, but I do not know how else to explain it :-DP.S. Balea gel at the dm-in, and Clean & Clear in Lilly!