Cao svima! Za danas imamo moju trenutno omiljenu masku za kosu aussie 3 minute miracle. Aussie nema da se kupi u Srbija,
ja sam ga nasla u Nemackoj, ali ima i u Hrvatskoj. Koristim ga vec mesec dana i ja sam odusevljena, zaista mislim da je to najbolja maska za
kosu na jeftinijoj strani.Ima dva nacina kako mozete da ga
koristite. Prvi nacin je da ga stavite 10-15 min. pre pranja, mada kazu
da je dovoljno 3 minuta, ja bih ga uglavnom drzala 15 min. kad nemam
vremena da prenocim sa njom. Drugi nacin je onaj na kojim sam ga ja
koristila, a to je da namazem na kosu i prenocim i ujutru isperem. Meni
je efekat odlican, preporucujem ga svima, jer zaista cini cuda sa kosom!
Btw u ovom postu sam odlucila da vam pokazem i moju omiljenu cetku za kosu, u pitanju je macadamia "no tangle" cetka. Ova cetka uopste ne cupa kosu, sto je meni potrebno, s obzirom da se moja kosa posle pranja bas umrsi (iako imam ravnu kosu), a i kosa se najvise kida kada je mokra, a ova cetka to sprecava. Ima jako mekane i savitljive zubce, i sa njom sam takodje odusevljena :-D Imate da je nadjete u Alexandar cosmetics-u, a mozete i da je porucite online!
Hi everyone! For today we have now my favorite hair mask Aussie 3 minute miracle. Aussie does not have to be bought in Serbia, I found him in Germany, but there are in Croatia. I use it for a month and I'm thrilled, I really think it's the best hair mask at cheaper strani.Ima two ways how you can use it. The first way is to put it 10-15 min. before washing, although they say that enough 3 minutes, I'd largely kept 15 min. when you do not have time to spend the night with her. The second way is the one on which I have used, and that is to spread on hair and spend the night and in the morning wash. The menu is excellent effect, I recommend it to everyone, because I really do wonders to your hair! Btw in this post I decided to show you my favorite brush and dryer, it is a macadamia "no tangle" brush. This brush is not at all tearing their hair out as it considers necessary, given that my hair after washing umrsi bass (although I have straight hair) and the hair is the most nerve when wet, and this brush to prevent. There are very soft and flexible tines, and with it I'm also thrilled :-D Do you have to find the Alexandar cosmetics-in, and you can order it and it is online!
Btw u ovom postu sam odlucila da vam pokazem i moju omiljenu cetku za kosu, u pitanju je macadamia "no tangle" cetka. Ova cetka uopste ne cupa kosu, sto je meni potrebno, s obzirom da se moja kosa posle pranja bas umrsi (iako imam ravnu kosu), a i kosa se najvise kida kada je mokra, a ova cetka to sprecava. Ima jako mekane i savitljive zubce, i sa njom sam takodje odusevljena :-D Imate da je nadjete u Alexandar cosmetics-u, a mozete i da je porucite online!
Hi everyone! For today we have now my favorite hair mask Aussie 3 minute miracle. Aussie does not have to be bought in Serbia, I found him in Germany, but there are in Croatia. I use it for a month and I'm thrilled, I really think it's the best hair mask at cheaper strani.Ima two ways how you can use it. The first way is to put it 10-15 min. before washing, although they say that enough 3 minutes, I'd largely kept 15 min. when you do not have time to spend the night with her. The second way is the one on which I have used, and that is to spread on hair and spend the night and in the morning wash. The menu is excellent effect, I recommend it to everyone, because I really do wonders to your hair! Btw in this post I decided to show you my favorite brush and dryer, it is a macadamia "no tangle" brush. This brush is not at all tearing their hair out as it considers necessary, given that my hair after washing umrsi bass (although I have straight hair) and the hair is the most nerve when wet, and this brush to prevent. There are very soft and flexible tines, and with it I'm also thrilled :-D Do you have to find the Alexandar cosmetics-in, and you can order it and it is online!

Aussie 3 minute miracle OVDE
Macadamia no tange OVDE
Wow moracu da probam ovu masku! najbolja si! <3
ReplyDeleteHvala :-)